Little Man

My little man is just growing up so fast and I LOVE just talking with him ....dont kids just crack YOU up??? here are some of our recent conversations ....enjoy!

Michael: " are my favorite mom My has ever had"
Me: thank you? { under my breath} I'm pretty sure Im the only mom you've ever had"
michael: "nuh-uh, yesterday my had a giant robot mom"

Its 5am and I wake up & Im nose to nose with my little guy who is ready for a joke or 2.
Michael: " KNock Knock"
Me: what's wrong baby??? its 5am!!!
Michael: " mom, I said knock knock"
me: "um..OK? ..whose there??"
Michael: {laughing LOUDLY} "Its michael Geoffrey Smead....and My want some millllkkkkk!"
me: Groan......

I just gave michael a small package of fruit snacks ( which by the way...have no fruit...they should be called Sugar snacks but whatever) and this is what followed.
Michael: "thanks mom...can robot have one?" { can you tell he's into robots??}
Me: " um sure but why dont you finish yours first "
Michael: "oooookkkkay "
** I go to the restroom and then come back to see him standing on a chair with the package of fruit snacks*
Me: "what are you doing Mr.?"
Michael:" Robot made me get up here, but dont you worry mom, I put him in time-out and my gonna eat his snack up...."

Lately this is how the beginning of his stories start:
"when I was a Robot....."
"When I was at my parents house ....."
"Yesterday when I was really little...."
" NO, my name is Giant Michael Geoffrey Smead..."
"Hey, you wanna sword fight?"
"Hey , you wanna wrestle?"
" Hey mom look at my muscles...."
" Man my Big toe is so strong..."
"Mary had a little LAMP...Little LAMP..."

New Name ....

You Like it?? Not that I'm taking away from talking about my sweet family but I figured because I'm the one doing the blogging, it wouldn't hurt to talk about crafts, my business,my walk with the Lord, life's challenges and Of course the most awesome-ist family in the world! Im a work in progress... Whew, praise the Lord for that!

~I recently attended a Beth moore conference & had such a blast! I mean I only took 10 pages of notes .....front and back! funny huh? God had so much to say through truly was a sweet time. Here are a few things :

1} I am an heir of God. My life is NOT left to chance
2}I am an heir of God. Iam inheriting a kingdom.- Daniel 7:18
3} I am an heir of God. He is my portion and I am His. Duet.10:8-9
4}I am an heir of God. The Down payment has been made.
5} I am an heir of God. My boundary lines form a pleasing place. Psalm 16
6} I am an heir of God. I can be secure.
8} I am an heir of God. I have a Beautiful Inheritance.

*Lord, lead us daily into your presence and empower us to do the impossible for your Glory and only for your Glory! .....I said to the Lord "YOu are my LOrd apart from you I have no good thing." Psalm 16:2